2012년 12월 14일 금요일

RDA and FRBR 온라인 워크샵

이제 온라인 워크샵을 들을 때가 된 것 같다.

RDA: Resource Description and Access: An Introduction to FRBR and RDA
(Eight-week online workshop)
Dates: January 14 – March 8, 2013
Fees: $325.00 registration ($299 for students)
Instructor: Steven J. Miller

This eight-week online workshop provides a general introduction to RDA and its underlying conceptual models of FRBR and FRAD. This workshop is not a full-fledged RDA cataloging training workshop. It does, however, give a beginning orientation to cataloging with RDA, an overview of what's different from AACR2, and a handful of introductory cataloging exercises. It introduces participants to creating RDA data outside of MARC, and subsequently shows how RDA data can be expressed in the current MARC environment as well as in an RDF / Linked Data environment.

The workshop focuses on the underlying conceptual models and core aspects of RDA. The goal of the workshop is to give participants a solid introductory conceptual knowledge of FRBR and RDA and thereby better position them to be knowledgeably prepared for RDA implementation and for full-fledged RDA cataloging training.

Please read more about the workshop and how to register at: https://pantherfile.uwm.edu/mll/www/RDA.html

2012년 12월 1일 토요일

New Report: "A Crosswalk from ONIX Version 3.0 for Books to MARC 21"

출판분야 메타데이터인 ONIX와의 맵핑정보이다. 이제 '출판'의 범위가 어디까지인지에 대한 의문이 생겼지만, ONIX는 여전히 관심분야이다. OCLC도 나도.. OCLC 보고서가 나왔다.

crosswalk developed at OCLC for mapping the bibliographic elements defined in Version 3.0 of ONIX for Books to MARC 21 with AACR2 encoding.

OCLC에서 올린 유투브 동영상이 53개쯤 된다. 그 중에 이 보고서와 관련된 동영상도 있다. 이외 정보는 아래를 참조->
Read the report, A Crosswalk from ONIX Version 3.0 for Books to MARC 21

Watch the video about the report, A Crosswalk from ONIX Version 3.0 for
Books to MARC 21, featuring Carol Jean Godby (2:26)

Download the crosswalk from the report (.xls: 272K/18 sheets)

Read the 2010 report, Mapping ONIX to MARC (.pdf: 190K/32 pp.)

Learn more about the OCLC Research project associated with this report,
Metadata Schema Transformation Services

assignFAST: A New Prototype Service for Efficient FAST Subject Assignment using Autosuggest

관련 OCLC 공지: http://www.oclc.org/research/news/2012/10-23.html

FAST 개발도 계속하는가보다.
More Information

assignFAST Activity Page
assignFAST demo
assignFAST Web Service
FAST (Faceted Application of Subject Terminology)

이제 FAST도 더욱 본격적으로 봐야겠다.

VIAF and Wikipedia (Linked Data)

요즘은 정말 동영상이 대세인가보다.
Linking Library Data to Wikipedia Part II Video Explains How VIAFbot Links VIAF Records to Wikipedia References

이 동영상에는 Wikipedian인 Max Klein과 OCLC Senior Program Officer인 Merrilee Proffitt이 VIAFbot의 개발과 작동과정에 대해 논의하고 있다. 스크립트는 없지만, 천천히 얘기하는 편이다. 전거 데이터를 이용해 위키피디아의 저자명에 대한 중의성을 해소하기 위한 것이다.

파트1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uwwTNmJUQ8w
파트2: http://youtu.be/vhPV0YU51cE

다른 autocat에 유투브 목록 얘기도 나오는 것을 보면.. 할 일도 많은 세상이다.

2012년 7월 19일 목요일

Kindred Works by OCLC

[Kindred Works | OCLC’s Recommendation Engine]

OCLC에서 FRBR 저작단위를 검색하는 서비스이다.
시범 운영 중인 듯한데, 실무자들의 반응이 좋지 않다.
아마존 닷컴의 추천 서비스가 더 좋다는 이도 있다.

"Wikipedia and Libraries: What's the Connection?" Webinar [OCLC]

"Wikipedia and Libraries: What's the Connection?" Webinar [OCLC]

2012년 7월 18일 수요일

Catalogablog: Phase 1 of the PCCAHITG Phased Implentation of RDA

관련 블로그 -> Catalogablog: Phase 1 of the PCCAHITG Phased Implentation of RDA

위 블로그에 따르면 "The PCC Acceptable Headings Implementation Task Group (PCCAHITG) has successfully tested the programming code for Phase 1 in preparation for the LC/PCC Phased Implementation of RDA as described in the document entitled The phased conversion of the LC/NACO Authority File to RDA"라고 한다.

관련 태스크그룹 사이트 주소는 여기!

2012년 4월 20일 금요일

Core Concepts in LIS (from Birger Hjørland)

LIS 개념을 Birger Hjørland 답게 소개하고 있다. 클릭! Ofness와 Aboutness를 구분하러 검색하다가 발견함.

2012년 3월 29일 목요일

DDC 사용 도서관 목록

Online DDC Catalogs

The libraries listed below are using the DDC to organize their online catalogs.
클릭! http://www.oclc.org/dewey/about/worldwide/

2012 UIUC GSLIS 여름학기 강좌 안내

수강할 일은 없지만, 문헌정보학 교과목 설계에 참고할 수 있는 자료이다. 온라인 및 강의실 교육이 모두 제공된다.

* 진행: The Graduate School of Library and Information Science (GSLIS), University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign (UIUC)

* On campus courses
LIS 409A - Storytelling
LIS 490BA - Book Arts Seminar
LIS 548A - Library Buildings
LIS 590BK - The Picture Book: History, Art, and Visual Literacy
LIS 590LI - Legal Issues in Library and Other Information Settings
LIS 590PO - The Book as Physical Object
LIS 590SO - Information Sources and Services for Children
LIS 590SR - Reference Sources for Rare Books

* Online (LEEP)
LIS 504LE - Reference and Information Services
LIS 516LE - School Library Media Center (formerly LIS 590SML)
LIS 578LE - Technical Services Functions
LIS 590BGL - Business and Government: Literacy and Practice for LIS Professionals
LIS 590 CBL - Cataloging for School Libraries (Limited number of seats)
LIS 590CRL - Comics: Advising Child and Adult Readers (Limited number of seats)
LIS 590LLL - Law Librarianship

* 등록을 위한 웹페이지

* 담당자
Marianne Steadley
Director, Continuing Professional Development
Graduate School of Library and Information Science
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
501 E. Daniel Street, Champaign, IL 61820

2012년 3월 23일 금요일

University of Alabama SLIS 임용

대학: The University of Alabama SLIS
소속: The School of Library & Information Studies
이름: Melissa Johnston
직위: Assistant Professor starting August 16, 2012
전공분야: School Library Media
약력: Library Journal Mover and Shaker (2007), Georgia Library Media Specialist of the Year (2006)
경력: (현 소속) American Library Association Council

UBC iSchool spring Colloquium 2012

발표자: Dietmar Wolfram, Professor and Interim Dean at the School of Information Studies, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
발표주제: " Who are the Disciples and Admirers of an Author?"
(recitation에 대하여)
주최: University of British Columbia iSchool
일시: Monday, March 26 1:30 p.m. (미국시간)

참고사이트: http://www.slais.ubc.ca/

2012년 1월 24일 화요일

[journal]International Cataloguing and Bibliographic Control (ICBC)

International Cataloguing and Bibliographic Control (ICBC)
Publisher: IFLA

(from: http://www.ifla.org/publications/international-cataloguing-and-bibliographic-control-icbc)

International Cataloguing and Bibliographic Control (ICBC) is a quarterly journal devoted to issues, projects, research and new developments in the broad field of Bibliographic Control. It provides an international forum for the exchange of views and discussion of best practices by members of the library and information profession in general and professionals in the sectors of cataloguing , bibliography and indexing in particular.

Over the years, ICBC has grown from a newsletter to a really international professional journal.

Apart from IFLA Conference papers and reports, it publishes commissioned articles but also unsolicited contributions. Articles are usually published in English but some have appeared in other IFLA official languages (French and Spanish).

Editor: Marie-France Plassard
Frequency: Quarterly
ISSN: 1011-8829
List of issues with tables of contents