2010년 12월 28일 화요일

[researcher]Karen Coyle

[소개]Karen Coyle is a librarian with nearly 20 years experience developing computer systems for libraries. She currently works at the University of California in the California Digital Library, which develops the online access system used by libraries on the nine UC campuses.


[추천글]Linked Data and Libraries. June, 2010, ALA Pre-Conference on Linked Data

2010년 12월 20일 월요일

[journal]Journal of Library Metadata

2010년 12월 현재 10권까지 발행

Journal of Library Metadata
ISSN: 1937-5034 (electronic) 1938-6389 (paper)
Publication Frequency: 4 issues per year
Subjects: Librarianship; Research Librarianship;
Publisher: Routledge

선행표제: Journal of Internet Cataloging
ISSN: 1091-1367 (paper)
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
Now published as: Journal of Library Metadata
7권까지 나왔음

2010년 12월 17일 금요일

[journal]Information Research

오픈 액세스 저널이다.
Information Research, is an open access, international, peer-reviewed, scholarly journal, dedicated to making accessible the results of research across a wide range of information-related disciplines. It is privately published and edited by Professor T.D. Wilson. It is hosted, and given technical support, by Lund University Libraries, Sweden.

Information Research Click!

2010년 12월 6일 월요일

[data]Pajek data: ODLIS

ODLIS를 Pajek을 이용해 분석한 데이터이다. 바로가기

참고로, ODLIS: Online Dictionary of Library and Information Science 바로가기

아래 내용은 Pajek 페이지의 내용이다.
from Pajek datasets

ODLIS: Online Dictionary of Library and Information Science
Dataset odlis
Description odlis.net directed network with 2909 vertices and 18419 arcs (5 loops).
Download odlis.net (ZIP, 62K)

The network Odlis.net is based on the ODLIS: Online Dictionary of Library and Information Science. version December 2000.

ODLIS is designed to be a hypertext reference resource for library and information science professionals, university students and faculty, and users of all types of libraries. The primary criterion for including a new term is whether a librarian or other information professional might reasonably be expected to encounter it at some point in his (or her) career, or be required to know its meaning in the course of executing his or her responsibilities as a librarian. The vocabulary of publishing, printing, book history, literature, and computer science has been included when, in the author's judgment, a definition might prove helpful, not only to library and information professionals, but also to laypersons.

An arc (X,Y) from term X to term Y exists in the network iff in the ODLIS dictionary the term Y is used to describe the meaning of term X.

ODLIS is the work of Joan M. Reitz, Assistant Professor/Instruction Librarian at the Ruth A. Haas Library, Western Connecticut State University (WCSU) in Danbury, CT. Ms. Reitz holds an M.L.I.S. degree (1991) from the University of Washington in Seattle and an M.A. degree (1998) in European History from Western Connecticut State University. Her primary research interests are the history of the book and history of political and social revolutions.

ODLIS began at the Haas Library in 1994 as a five-page photocopied handout intended for undergraduates not fluent in English, and students with limited exposure to library terminology.
In 1996, it was expanded and converted to HTML format for installation on the WCSU Libraries HomePage under the title Hypertext Library Lingo: A Glossary of Library Terminology.
In 1997, many more hypertext links were added and the format improved in response to suggestions from users.
During the summer of 1999, several hundred terms and definitions were added, and a generic version created which omitted all references to the specific conditions and practices at the Haas Library.
In the fall of 1999, the glossary was expanded to 1,800 terms, renamed to reflect its extended scope, and copyrighted.
In February, 2000, ODLIS was indexed in Yahoo! under "Reference - Dictionaries - Subject." It is also indexed in the WorldCat database in OCLC FirstSearch.
During the year 2000, the dictionary was expanded to 2,600 terms. On average, it has received over 6,200 visits per month since January 2, 2000.
December 2000: ODLIS transformed in Pajek format and 'cleaned' by A. Mrvar and V. Batagelj.

Joan M. Reitz (2002): ODLIS: Online Dictionary of Library and Information Science.

Pajek Data; Pajek Home
27. January 2004

그리고 다음 조건에서 사용가능하다.
Licenses and Citation:If the source of the data set is not specified otherwise, these data sets are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 License
When publishing results obtained using this data set the original authors should be cited. In addition this collection should be cited as:

Vladimir Batagelj and Andrej Mrvar (2006): Pajek datasets.

또한 단행본으로도 발행되었다. RISS 서지정보 바로가기

** 관련 논문이다 --> "Network analysis of dictionaries"

[Journal]Technical Services Quarterly

LISTA에서 서지정보를 볼 수 있다.
원문은 제공하지 않는다(도서관에 따라 다를 것이다).

Publication Details For "Technical Services Quarterly"
Title: Technical Services Quarterly
ISSN: 0731-7131
Publisher Information: Taylor & Francis Ltd
4 Park Square
Milton Park
Abington, Oxon OX14 4RN

Bibliographic Records: 01/01/2000 to present, with selective coverage back to 1983
Link to this Publication:

Publication Type: Academic Journal
Subjects: Library & Information Science
Publisher URL: http://www.haworthpress.com/journals/dds.asp
Frequency: 4
Peer Reviewed: Yes